Emotional Traveling, First Stop: Burot Beach

a sandbar the locals call "Little Boracay" for its fine, white sand

It's been a little over a month now since I got back, and I have been on a traveling binge. I've been to the beach 4 out of 5 weekends, with only the first weekend spent at home (I had to unpack, after all).

I guess it's a combination of really missing the beach and not wanting to have too much free time to think and be sad. Some girls cope with sadness by eating, I have "emotional traveling." I do not know which is worse.

This particular trip wasn't really planned. I guess none of my trips really are. I just had this sudden urge to dig my toes into the sand so I dragged those who wanted to be dragged and went to the nearest beach I could think of: Burot Beach.

It wasn't the nicest beach I have ever been to, but the water was clean, the sun was shining, the beach was quiet, the sand was golden and the water was warm. That's good enough for me.

I love how this tree seems to be growing out of concrete

There's no resort so it's best to set up your own tent

sea urchin. Yummy
